
Chalice has been serving children in Ghana since 1997 in three sites in rural communities in the far northern region of the country, which is highly under-developed when compared to the southern regions.

Communities in the rural north have little to no access to schools, transportation, or public services, which contributes to an existing feeling of disenfranchisement among the rural populations. The erratic climate consistently threatens agricultural output and leads to food insecurity. The majority of young adults move to the prospering southern regions, leaving behind communities that are disproportionately elderly and vulnerable.

Through the support of sponsors and donors, Chalice and our local partners focus on:
  1. Education – Bringing quality educational facilities to under-served rural areas.
  2. Adult education - Empowering women with literacy, skills training, health, and their basic rights.
  3. Agriculture – Implementing programs that improve access to clean water and up-to-date information. With improved growing conditions comes greater food security for the families.

Our sites in Ghana:

Wa – Chalice has  partnered with Diocese of Wa and Lassia Tuolu Parish in the rural town of Wa since 1997. Under the direction of Pele Abraham Bright, the site implements the sponsorship program in 11 subsites, which are primarily Catholic primary and junior high schools, as well as one nursery. The site conducts programs to prevent and treat Hepatitis B, which is endemic in the region. In addition to sponsorship, the site provides leadership training, workshops on health and community issues, and cultural celebrations for the community.

Kondt - Chalice has partnered with the Wa School for the Deaf as its own site since 2013. Under site director Guong Nicholas, the school offers a nursery program, primary, secondary, and vocational education. Along with deaf students, the school serves children from very poor families and children with intellectual disabilites. In addition to sponsorship, the site provides employment skills such as bread-baking and catering services. The site also provides entrepreneurship training and sign language training for women.

Nandom – Chalice partnered with Nandom Parish in 2013. Site director Boniface W. Nakaar oversees the sponsorship program which supports parents and guardians through DFF (Direct Family Funding).  All sponsored children attend school, with most of the schools receiving support through Chalice Children Nutrition. The site also provides regular medical workshops on urgent health issues such as Hepatitis B and HIV/AIDS, which are endemic in the region. The site places a special emphasis on promoting the value of educating girls.

Why is a will important?
A current, properly drawn up will is your best assurance that your estate will be handled exactly as you wish. It can also let your loved ones know exactly what your wishes are. A will can eliminate uncertainty and disputes over the division of property. It protects your family's future and, in the case of minor children, names the guardian. In the event one dies without a current will, the government will make decisions on how your assets will be divided. A will can be drawn up, no matter your age or your financial situation. In the case that your will is already written, it is wise to review it on a yearly basis.

To help get you started, call today for your free copy of Chalice's Will Planning Kit.

Please note: The purpose of this Will Planning Kit is to provide general information, not to render legal advice. We strongly recommend you consult your own lawyer or other professional advisor about the applicability to your situation.
What if I change my mind later on?
A will bequest is fully revocable while you live. You retain control and can easily make revisions by drafting a new Will or adding a codicil to your current Will should your wishes or circumstances change. It can be as simple as a phone call to your lawyer.
Does a charitable Will bequest have to be in cash?
No, you may also give securities or RRSPs/RRIFs or other assets. It is advisable to contact Chalice to discuss your wishes: 1.800.776.6855
How will my Will bequest be used?
Most Will bequests will be used for Chalice's most urgent needs, but you can direct your bequest towards a particular purpose or program. You can also request that the principal of your charitable bequest be held in an endowment, or establish an endowment in your name or in the name of a loved one. You should discuss your options with Chalice to ensure that your wishes can be met, and that your Will bequest provision is properly worded.

It is important to remember when writing a bequest gift in your Will to avoid directing the gift to a specific individual or need (i.e., your sponsored child, AIDS medication) or activity (i.e., building houses). A gift to a specific individual is considered private benevolence, and does not qualify for a charitable tax receipt as it does not meet the Canada Revenue Agency's definition of 'gift'. More general language allows Chalice the flexibility to use your gift in many different ways should the needs of our Sponsor Sites change over time.
I want to remember Chalice in my Will. How can I be sure I am doing it correctly?
Let us help you! We can provide you with a free Will Planning Kit and sample bequest language. At your request, we can meet with you, and if you wish, your lawyer, to discuss your intentions for supporting Chalice.

If you decide to name Chalice in your will, we would like to know about it so we can express our thanks. Please remember that all requests for information and communications with Chalice will be kept in strict confidence.

We encourage you to contact a lawyer or financial advisor when planning your Will.

For more information on including Chalice in your Will or to request a copy of our free Will Planning Kit, please contact Peter Gordon at 1-800-776-6855, ext 803, or email him at
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