(SPC= sponsored children)

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logo
Phase 1 - early 2019 to Feb 2020 (before the pandemic) 

Completed Procedures 

1352 SPCs, 136 non-SPC (siblings) = 1488 children 

Ongoing Intervention 

509 SPCs, 72 non-SPC (siblings) = 581 children


2,069 children 


Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logo Phase 2 - from Feb – Dec 2021 
(frequent changes of lockdown rules by the Philippine government) 

Online Consultations (incl. urgent cases; Feb – Jun 2021) 

54 SPCs

Completed Procedures (Jul - Dec 2021) 

91 SPCs, 31 non-SPC (siblings) = 122 children

Dental Home Care (seminars & fluoride application) 

274 non-SPCs


396 children (including online consults) 

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoContinuation of Phase 2 - from Jan 2022 to Feb 2023  
(lockdown rules are more lenient) 

Completed Procedures 

471 SPCs, 14 non-SPC (siblings) = 485 children

9 parents of SPCs and 12 staff = 21 adults

Ongoing Intervention 

1,278 SPCs, 4 non-SPC (siblings) = 1,282 children

Dental Home Care (seminars & fluoride application) 

827 non-SPCs


2,594 children & 21 adults 

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoPhase 3 interim results – from March 2023 – Oct 2023  
(program continues through Feb 2024) 

Completed Procedures 

505 SPCs, 13 non-SPC (siblings) = 518 children

9 parents of SPCs and 11 staff = 20 adults

Ongoing Intervention 

741 SPCs, three non-SPC (siblings) = 744 children

Dental Home Care (seminars & fluoride application) 

476 non-SPCs, 224 parents


1,738 children & 244 adults 

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoSponsorship by the Numbers
Fisical Year 2024 2023 2022
Regions we work in 5 5 5
Countries we work in 13 13 14
Sponsor sites 51 53 52
Total funds sent to each region
Africa   $8,083,720 $8,025,914
Asia   $7,336,550 $7,839,332
Haiti   $1,611,299 $2,423,824 
Latin America   $6,919,181  $6,906,740
Ukraine   $3,457,776  $4,055,489
Sponsored children and elders
Africa 13,568  13,654  13,647 
Asia  14,889 15,264   14,941
Haiti 3,373   3,437 3,393 
Latin America 12,542   13,409 13,430 
Ukraine 4,312   4,352 4,466 
Total 48,684 50,116 49,877
Sites that have implemented our Family Funding Model 99.8% 99.4% 99.4%

Demographic Breakdown of Sponsorship



Sponsored Girls

online payment


Sponsored Boys

GC copy


Sponsored Women



Sponsored Men



Sponsored Girls who are in school



Sponsored Boys who are in school

GC copy


Families with sponsored children



Beneficiaries receiving DFF

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logo Demographics by Age
(June 6, 2024)
Ages  Count of Age category 
0-4 Years  477  
5-9 Years  6,160  
10-14 Years  16,968  
15-20 Years  16,403  
20-29 Years  6,854  
30+ Years  834  
Grand Total 

Nutrition program statistics 2021-2024

Critical needs

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logo
Total number of year 2024
Month Count Sum
Jul 22 $60,693.54
Aug 30 $53,928.38
Sep 15 $37,083.05
Oct 27 $38,029.25
Nov 25 $40,488.74
Dec 14 $20,700.96
Jan 27 $39,626.84
Feb 18 $28,710.06
Mar 21 $28,006.31
Apr 13 $24,324.09
May 10 $31,983.08
Total 222 $403,574.30


Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logo
Category of Critical Needs
Category Count
Death 10
Dental 2
Housing 13
Medical 196
Medical and Funeral 1
Grand Total 222


Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoCritical Needs
Fiscal Year 20233-2024
(June 6, 2024)
2022-2023 2021-2022
Total of Critical Needs 2022   124
Total funds sent  $403,574.3   $201,397.49

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoNutrition Programs
Fisical Year 2022-2023 2021-2022
Meals served 3,962,037 5,152,052 
People fed  42,160 24,256 
Nutrition programs 25 29
Funds senr to each reagion $512,282 $499,577

Disaster Relief
Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoDisaster relief
Fisical Year 2022-2023 2021-2022
Number of disaster events 6 12
Funds provided $109,779,1 $2,703,310

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoHousing and school repair projects completed
Fisical Year 2023-2024
2022-2023 2021-2022
Housing repairs 1 0 2
School Repairs 2 16 6

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoNew house construction in India
Fisical Year 2023-2024  2022-2023 2021-2022
Houses built 83 95 44

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoBeneficiaries of new houses in India 2023-24
Total Beneficiaries Children Adults
111 82 29

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoGrants
Fiscal Year 2023-2024
(June 6, 2024)
2022-2023 2021-2022
Funds sent to our sites 2022   124
Total donated grant funds  $403,574.3   $201,397.49

Special Money
Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoSpecial Money
Fiscal Year 2023-2024
2022-2023 2021-2022
Funds sent to our sites  $1,751,027.91  $1,703,573.21 $1,739,466.79

Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoGrants
Fiscal Year 2023-2024
2022-2023 2021-2022
Funds sent to our sites  $515,634.62  $414,452.54 $304,267.68

Contributions received for gift catalogue
Chalice with Circle transparent 2020 logoContributions received for gift catalogue
Fiscal Year: July 1 - June 30
2023-06-30 2022-06-30
write child 
animals and farming
livelihood and nutrition      
most needed      
community development      
total contributions      

member of imagine canada
charity intelligence canada